
Based on your family’s needs and budget.

hand-drawn style path coming out of the forest into a winding clearing onlooking a village in the distance.

Representation in Court

Court may be required if your safety or your child's safety is at risk, important decisions need to be made, communication has broken down, financial disclosure or support is not being provided, etc.

It is often worthwhile to try to settle before going to court, but no one can force you to agree to unfair terms. To know what the law deems fair, you need advice from an experienced family lawyer with knowledge of the issues and law in your case.

We regularly appear in courts across Ontario to litigate disputes about parenting time, decision making, relocation, family violence, non-parent contact, child and spousal support, equalization, matrimonial home issues, specific issues for common law spouses, and more.

It is your decision to go to court and how to proceed. Your lawyer should explain your options, likelihood of success, and potential costs before each significant step in your case so you can make good choices.

Despite what has happened, anyone can strengthen their case by making future decisions that are child-focused and reasonable from a legal perspective. We help our clients put their best foot forward in court.


Mediation was the clear preference for a 2018 survey of 5,000 Ontarians researching separation. Before separation, 23% said they wanted to mediate. After separation, 45% said they preferred mediation to resolve their case.*

Mediation is voluntary and confidential. You can resolve your case in private rather than before a judge, who may not fully appreciate your family’s circumstances. You are less likely to go back to court if your case is resolved by settlement rather than by court order.

As mediators, we are neutral and impartial. We do not take sides or give legal advice to either party. We facilitate mediation with the parties by themselves or with their lawyers. We enable both sides to fully participate in productive discussions about how they can reach a fair resolution that both can live with.

Not all mediators are family lawyers. Our experience gives us a valuable perspective to facilitate productive mediation, especially where complex legal or financial issues are involved.

* SIËSDE Dispute Resolution Technologies, May 2018

Unbundled Services

Unbundled services are chosen by you, à la carte. With our guidance, you decide which tasks you can complete by yourself and which tasks we will do for you. For example, you may want us to draft a specific court document or separation agreement for you.

Once our services for you are complete, you can request additional unbundled services, legal coaching, or representation from us if your case is ongoing, or you can request our involvement in the future when you need our help.

If you can attend routine court dates, communicate with the court, your ex (or their lawyer) and deal with the monotonous tasks in family law, you can save on legal fees. This helps you budget for future legal services when the stakes are higher and you need the best possible advocacy for your family at important negotiations, contested motions, or trial.

Unbundled services require you to have good organization and time management skills. This is more suitable for low-to-medium conflict cases, without significant power imbalances, and with straightforward legal, financial, and procedural issues.

Legal Coaching

Flat fees are rare in family law, and family lawyers usually require a retainer deposit before providing any legal advice. It is too difficult to predict how long it will take to complete tasks when either party opposes the outcome. We offer flat fees for legal coaching on a "pay as you go" basis.

Legal coaching is periodic legal advice (bi-weekly or monthly) regarding any aspect of your case. We give suggestions, provide helpful resources, and can help you prepare for upcoming events.

We do not require a retainer deposit as you do your own drafting, research, correspondence, document review, court appearances, etc. You must become familiar with court forms and the Family Law Rules. You must work on your case regularly, stay organized, and develop good time management practices.

If we believe that your legal, financial, or procedural issues are complex for a non-lawyer, we may offer legal coaching along with unbundled services i.e. drafting court documents, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you make informed choices about your family law needs.

How much do your legal services cost?

We bill clients on an hourly rate basis like most family lawyers. Our hourly rates are very competitive because we operate a cost-effective practice. We understand that family law can be expensive, even to those with above-average incomes. We offer choices so that clients can get quality services on their budget. We help clients calculate the cost/ benefit of their available options. The cost of each case will depend on its unique circumstances and your instructions. It usually takes longer to resolve a high-conflict case in court than it does to draft a separation agreement with minimal conflict. If you are willing to spend more time on your case, you can often save money on legal fees.

How are your hourly rates determined?

Hourly rates need to be enough to cover the cost of operations, including support staff and office expenses, with a reasonable markup. Our business is run virtually. We do not require full time office space, or the significant costs associated. We are focused on maximizing the efficiency of our family law practice. We intend to offer competitive hourly rates compared to the market, while providing high quality service.

Do you need a retainer deposit and why?

Yes, except for legal coaching services. A retainer is like putting gas in the tank (or charging the battery) for a legal vehicle.  Sometimes we can get to the client's destination on one tank or charge, but if there are delays or detours we may need to request a refill. We usually require a lower retainer for unbundled services or mediation, and a higher retainer for representation in court. It depends on the time estimated to complete the requested services.

How much is your retainer deposit?

The retainer deposit we offer depends on the services you request. The minimum initial deposit typically provides for up to 10 billable hours for unbundled services, up to 15 billable hours for mediation, and up to 20 billable hours for representation in court. To help clients budget wisely, understand their options, and choose the right service, we usually start with an in-depth consultation meeting. The path you start on can be difficult to change later, so the consultation meeting is important to help you decide how to proceed with your case.

How do I request your services?

Click “Contact us” below. We will respond in a prompt and timely manner. We usually start with an in-depth consultation meeting to understand your case, assess your options, help you budget, provide resources, and give you specific legal advice. We charge for an hour even if it takes longer to prepare for and attend the meeting. We want to help prospective clients choose the best path forward for their case. Proceeding hastily or based on insufficient information (free 15–30-minute consultations) can do more harm than good and have a lasting negative impact on your case. The intake process is different for mediation as explained in the following FAQ.

How do I request mediation and what is the cost?

We will meet each spouse separately to discuss what matters to you and them. This is not to take sides, but simply to understand the issues from both perspectives and to provide referrals that may help each person to fully participate in the mediation. Each spouse signs an agreement acknowledging our mediation terms including the cost, confidentiality, limited circumstances when confidentiality may not apply, etc. If both sides want to schedule mediation, they pay our retainer deposit which provides for a minimum of 15 billable hours. The cost is split equally unless otherwise agreed. The retainer depends on our estimated time to prepare for, attend mediation, and draft any pending agreements afterwards, which are subject to independent legal advice.

What if there are funds left in my retainer when my case is done?

When you give us a retainer deposit, we hold the deposit in trust for you. We can only pay ourselves after we provide services to you and send you an interim or final account for those services. If we resolve your file sooner than expected and you still have unused funds in our account, then we return the remaining funds to you.

How do I know what tasks you are billing me for?

Lawyers must provide detailed accounts to clients showing what services they have rendered, but not all lawyers provide accounts showing how much time each individual task takes, the dollar value for each task, or whether support staff or junior lawyers are doing the work. All the client may see is the total legal fees, plus any disbursements (i.e. photocopying) and HST. We think clients should be entitled to fully itemized accounts showing what each service and task is costing them. This is important so clients understand how much time it takes to complete certain tasks, which helps you evaluate the cost/ benefit of decisions for how to proceed with your case. For some clients, this information helps them understand how much time they for a lawyer and what tasks they can do themselves to save money.

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How much do your legal services cost?

The total cost depends on the type of service you need (representation in court, mediation, unbundled services, legal coaching), and how long it takes to complete those services. For example, it usually takes longer to resolve a high-conflict case in court than it does to draft a separation agreement with minimal conflict. We empower clients to choose how much time they need from their lawyer or mediator, offer competitive hourly rates, and provide quality services for your budget.

Do you need a retainer deposit?

Yes, except for legal coaching. A retainer is like putting gas in the tank of a vehicle (or charging the battery). We try to get to the destination on one tank, but delays or detours outside our control can require a refill. We request a smaller retainer for unbundled services and mediation, and a higher retainer to represent clients in court. Contact us for a quote.

How do I request your services?

Click “Contact us”. If we can assist, we will schedule an in depth consultation meeting with you to give you specific and practical legal advice. A free 15-30 minute consultation can cause harm if the advice you get is based on insufficient information about your case. We charge a flat rate of $230+HST for consultations. Our intake process for mediation is different. See the FAQ below.

How do I request mediation and what is the cost?

After confirming both parties want to mediate, we schedule a confidential intake meeting with each person to understand the issues that are important to them, and to ensure that each person can fully participate in mediation. Our mediation agreement can provide for 8 to 10 hours or more depending on the circumstances which includes intakes, counsel meeting (if applicable), preparation, mediation session(s), and summary report(s). The cost of mediation is shared equally unless otherwise agreed in writing.

What if there are funds left in my retainer after my case is resolved?

We hold retainer funds in trust until we send an account for services completed to date. If we resolve your case sooner than expected, we return any unused funds to you.

How do I know what tasks you are billing me for?

We provide itemized accounts showing the time spent on each task, the dollar value of that time, any file-related expenses, and sales tax. This helps you evaluate how much time you need from a lawyer and which tasks you may consider doing on your own (or with help "as needed") to save on legal fees.

Further questions? Just ask.

Contact us today and we will respond in a timely manner.